今天來當偽文青 ~
重覆看白日夢冒險王 the Secreat Life of Walter Mitty 五遍了,第一次看邊看喜劇邊掉眼淚,原來我不是唯一的一個會出神 zone out 的路人 (特別是上班時,開8小時會,開著魂就飄走了...) 
Walter 每天起床,框架式的生活,看不到未來,賺不了大錢,沒有值得被記憶的大事,連喜歡的女生,只能偷偷在交友網站上訊息給她,生活像上了滾輪的蒼鼠一樣,沒有目地的跑著滾輪,唯一的快樂是在自己的白日夢中冒險,生活的意義是什麼 ? 
當Walter 在火山爆發時追逐著線索,生活的目的在這裡
To see the world 
當Walter 鼓起勇氣告白,生活的意義在這裡
To find eachother and to feel 
Life is about Courage and going  into the  unknown 
以下是路人翻譯電影配樂 (譯文內容憑個人感覺,不要太嚴苛😅)

主唱:José González     歌曲:Stay Alive

There's a rhythm in rush these days 生活總有著自己忙碌的節奏
Where the lights don't move and the colors don't fade 它傾訴著時光不逝,繽紛永留
Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams 而我總沈浸在如此的想像中
In a world gone shallow 在逐漸膚淺的世界裡
In a world gone lean 在漸次紊亂的洪流裡
Sometimes there's things a man cannot know 人生有些事是無法理解的
Gears won't turn and the leaves won't grow 就像齒輪不再轉動、植物停止生長
There's no place to run and no gasoline 有時無路可走,無路可逃
Engine won't turn 引擎無法轉動
And the train won't leave 火車不再發動
I will stay with you tonight 我將陪你度過今晚
Hold you close 'til the morning light 緊緊地擁抱你直到天明
In the morning watch a new day rise 我們將一起迎接這嶄新美好的一天
We'll do whatever just to stay alive 讓我們全力以付去感受這美好的人生
We'll do whatever just to stay alive 讓我們全力以付去感受這美好的人生
Well the way I feel is the way I write 我把我的感受寫成你們聽到的歌詞
It isn't like the thoughts of the man who lies 我的歌詞傾訴著真誠的感受,不像其他人所說的謊言
There is a truth and it's on our side 真理永存
Dawn is coming 黎明來了 Open your eyes 請睜開雙眼
Look into the sun as the new days rise 讓我們一起迎接朝陽,迎接嶄新的一天
And I will wait for you tonight 而今晚我將為你守候
You're here forever and you're by my side 我們將守護彼此,直到永遠
I've been waiting all my life 用盡一生的等後 只為這一刻
To feel your heart as it's keeping time 去感受你每秒的心跳
We'll do whatever just to stay alive 讓我們全力以付去感受這美好的人生
Dawn is coming 黎明來了 Open your eyes 請睜開雙眼
Look into the sun as the new days rise 讓我們一起迎接朝陽,迎接嶄新的一天
There's a rhythm in rush these days 生活總有著自己忙碌的節奏
Where the lights don't move and the colors don't fade 它傾訴著時光不逝,繽紛永留
There is a truth and it's on our side 真理永存
Dawn is coming , open your eyes 黎明來了,請睜開雙眼
Look into the sun as the new days rise 讓我們一起迎接朝陽,迎接嶄新的一天


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